Function and Duties of Promoter

Function and Duties of Promoter

11. (1) The promoter shall, upon receiving his Login Id and password under clause (a) of sub-section (1) or under sub-section (2) of section 5, as the case may be, create his web page on the website of the Authority and enter all details of the proposed project as provided under sub-section (2) of section 4, in all the fields as provided, for public viewing, including—

  • 1. details of the registration granted by the Authority;
  • 2. quarterly up-to-date the list of number and types of apartments or plots, as the case may be, booked;
  • 3. quarterly up-to-date the list of number of garages booked;
  • 4. quarterly up-to-date the list of approvals taken and the approvals which are pending subsequent to commencement certificate;
  • 5. quarterly up-to-date status of the project; and
  • 6. such other information and documents as may be specified by the regulations made by the Authority.

(2) The advertisement or prospectus issued or published by the promoter shall mention prominently the website address of the Authority, wherein all details of the registered project have been entered and include the registration number obtained from the Authority and such other matters incidental thereto.

(3) The promoter at the time of the booking and issue of allotment letter shall be responsible to make available to the allottee, the following information, namely—

  • 1. sanctioned plans, layout plans, along with specifications, approved by the competent authority, by display at the site or such other place as may be specified by the regulations made by the Authority;
  • 2. the stage wise time schedule of completion of the project, including the provisions for civic infrastructure like water, sanitation and electricity.

(4) The promoter shall—

  • 1. be responsible for all obligations, responsibilities, and functions under the provisions of this Act or the rules and regulations made thereunder or to the allottees as per the agreement for sale, or to the association of allottees, as the case may be, till the conveyance of all the apartments, plots, or buildings, as the case may be, to the allottees, or the common areas to the association of allottees or the competent authority, as the case may be:

    Provided that the responsibility of the promoter, with respect to the structural defect or any other defect for such period as is referred to in sub-section (3) of section 14, shall continue even after the conveyance deed of all the apartments, plots, or buildings, as the case may be, to the allottees are executed.

  • 2. be responsible to obtain the completion certificate or the occupancy certificate, or both, as applicable, from the relevant competent authority as per local laws or other laws for the time being in force and to make it available to the allottees individually or to the association of allottees, as the case may be;

  • 3. be responsible to obtain the lease certificate, where the real estate project is developed on a leasehold land, specifying the period of lease, and certifying that all dues and charges in regard to the leasehold land have been paid, and to make the lease certificate available to the association of allottees;

  • 4. be responsible for providing and maintaining the essential services, on reasonable charges, till the taking over of the maintenance of the project by the association of the allottees;

  • 5. enable the formation of an association or society or co-operative society, as the case may be, of the allottees, or a federation of the same, under the laws applicable:
    Provided that in the absence of local laws, the association of allottees, by whatever name called, shall be formed within a period of three months of the majority of allottees having booked their plot or apartment or building, as the case may be, in the project;

  • 6. execute a registered conveyance deed of the apartment, plot, or building, as the case may be, in favor of the allottee along with the undivided proportionate title in the common areas to the association of allottees or competent authority, as the case may be, as provided under section 17 of this Act;

  • 7. pay all outgoings until he transfers the physical possession of the real estate project to the allottee or the associations of allottees, as the case may be, which he has collected from the allottees, for the payment of outgoings (including land cost, ground rent, municipal or other local taxes, charges for water or electricity, maintenance charges, including mortgage loan and interest on mortgages or other encumbrances and such other liabilities payable to competent authorities, banks and financial institutions, which are related to the project):
    Provided that where any promoter fails to pay all or any of the outgoings collected by him from the allottees or any liability, mortgage loan and interest thereon before transferring the real estate project to such allottees, or the association of the allottees, as the case may be, the promoter shall continue to be liable, even after the transfer of the property, to pay such outgoings and penal charges, if any, to the authority or person to whom they are payable and be liable for the cost of any legal proceedings which may be taken therefor by such authority or person;

  • 8. after he executes an agreement for sale for any apartment, plot or building, as the case may be, not mortgage or create a charge on such apartment, plot or building, as the case may be, and if any such mortgage or charge is made or created then—

Obligations of promoter regarding veracity of the advertisement or prospectus

12. Where any person makes an advance or a deposit on the basis of the information contained in the notice, advertisement or prospectus, or on the basis of any model apartment, plot or building, as the case may be, and sustains any loss or damage by reason of any incorrect, false statement included therein, he shall be compensated by the promoter in the manner as provided under this Act:

Provided that if the person affected by such incorrect, false statement contained in the notice, advertisement or prospectus, or the model apartment, plot or building, as the case may be, intends to withdraw from the proposed project, he shall be returned his entire investment along with interest at such rate as may be prescribed and the compensation in the manner provided under this Act.

No deposit or advance to be taken by promoter without first entering into agreement for sale

13. (1) A promoter shall not accept a sum more than ten per cent of the cost of the apartment, plot, or building as the case may be, as an advance payment or an application fee, from a person without first entering into a written agreement for sale with such person and registering the said agreement for sale, under any law for the time being in force.

(2) The agreement for sale referred to in sub-section (1) shall be in such form as may be prescribed and shall specify the particulars of development of the project including:

  • 1. the construction of building and apartments, along with specifications;
  • 2. internal development works and external development works;
  • 3. the dates and the manner by which payments towards the cost of the apartment, plot, or building, as the case may be, are to be made by the allottees;
  • 4. the date on which the possession of the apartment, plot, or building is to be handed over;
  • 5. the rates of interest payable by the promoter to the allottee and the allottee to the promoter in case of default; and
  • 6. such other particulars, as may be prescribed.

Adherence to sanctioned plans and project specifications by the promoter.

14. (1) The proposed project shall be developed and completed by the promoter in accordance with the sanctioned plans, layout plans, and specifications as approved by the competent authorities.

(2) Notwithstanding anything contained in any law, contract or agreement, after the sanctioned plans, layout plans, and specifications and the nature of the fixtures, fittings, amenities, and common areas of the apartment, plot, or building, as the case may be, as approved by the competent authority, are disclosed or furnished to the person who agrees to take one or more of the said apartment, plot or building, as the case may be, the promoter shall not make—

  • any additions and alterations in the sanctioned plans, layout plans, and specifications and the nature of fixtures, fittings, and amenities described therein in respect of the apartment, plot, or building, as the case may be, which are agreed to be taken, without the previous consent of that person:

    Provided that the promoter may make such minor additions or alterations as may be required by the allottee, or such minor changes or alterations as may be necessary due to architectural and structural reasons duly recommended and verified by an authorised Architect or Engineer after proper declaration and intimation to the allottee.

Explanation.—For the purpose of this clause, "minor additions or alterations" excludes structural changes including:

  • 1. an addition to the area or change in height;
  • 2. the removal of part of a building;
  • 3. any change to the structure, such as the construction or removal or cutting into of any wall or a part of a wall, partition, column, beam, joist, floor including a mezzanine floor or other support;
  • 4. a change to or closing of any required means of access ingress or egress;
  • 5. a change to the fixtures or equipment, etc.

(ii) Any other alterations or additions in the sanctioned plans, layout plans, and specifications of the buildings or the common areas within the project without the previous written consent of at least two-thirds of the allottees, other than the promoter, who have agreed to take apartments in such building.

Explanation.—For the purpose of this clause, the allottees, irrespective of the number of apartments or plots, as the case may be, booked by him or booked in the name of his family, or in the case of other persons such as companies or firms or any association of individuals, etc., by whatever name called, booked in its name or booked in the name of its associated entities or related enterprises, shall be considered as one allottee only.

(3) In case any structural defect or any other defect in workmanship, quality or provision of services, or any other obligations of the promoter as per the agreement for sale relating to such development is brought to the notice of the promoter within a period of five years by the allottee from the date of handing over possession, it shall be the duty of the promoter to rectify such defects without further charge, within thirty days. In the event of the promoter's failure to rectify such defects within such time, the aggrieved allottees shall be entitled to receive appropriate compensation in the manner as provided under this Act.

Obligations of promoter in case of transfer of a real estate project to a third party

15. (1) The promoter shall not transfer or assign his majority rights and liabilities in respect of a real estate project to a third party without:

  • 1. obtaining prior written consent from two-thirds of the allottees, except the promoter; and
  • 2. the prior written approval of the Authority.

Provided that such transfer or assignment shall not affect the allotment or sale of the apartments, plots, or buildings, as the case may be, in the real estate project made by the erstwhile promoter.

Explanation.—For the purpose of this sub-section, the allottee, irrespective of the number of apartments or plots, as the case may be, booked by him or booked in the name of his family, or in the case of other persons such as companies or firms or any association of individuals, by whatever name called, booked in its name or booked in the name of its associated entities or related enterprises, shall be considered as one allottee only.

(2) On the transfer or assignment being permitted by the allottees and the Authority under sub-section (1), the intending promoter shall be required to independently comply with all the pending obligations under the provisions of this Act or the rules and regulations made thereunder, and the pending obligations as per the agreement for sale entered into by the erstwhile promoter with the allottees:

Provided that any transfer or assignment permitted under provisions of this section shall not result in an extension of time to the intending promoter to complete the real estate project and he shall be required to comply with all the pending obligations of the erstwhile promoter. In case of default, such intending promoter shall be liable to the consequences of breach or delay, as the case may be, as provided under this Act or the rules and regulations made thereunder.

Obligations of promoter regarding insurance of real estate project.

16. (1) The promoter shall obtain all such insurances as may be notified by the appropriate Government, including but not limited to insurance in respect of—

  • 1. title of the land and building as a part of the real estate project; and
  • 2. construction of the real estate project.

(2) The promoter shall be liable to pay the premium and charges in respect of the insurance specified in sub-section (1) and shall pay the same before transferring the insurance to the association of the allottees.

(3) The insurance as specified under sub-section (1) shall stand transferred to the benefit of the allottee or the association of allottees, as the case may be, at the time of the promoter entering into an agreement for sale with the allottee.

(4) On formation of the association of the allottees, all documents relating to the insurance specified under sub-section (1) shall be handed over to the association of the allottees.

Transfer of title.

(1) The promoter shall execute and register a conveyance deed in favor of the allottee, including the undivided proportionate title to the common areas, which shall be transferred to the association of allottees or the competent authority, as applicable. The promoter must also deliver physical possession of the plot, apartment, or building to the allottees, and the common areas to the association or competent authority, as appropriate, in accordance with the sanctioned plans and local laws. In the absence of specific local laws, the conveyance deed must be executed within three months from the date of issue of the occupancy certificate.

(2) Following the receipt of the occupancy certificate and the transfer of physical possession as specified in sub-section (1), the promoter is responsible for handing over all necessary documents and plans, including those related to common areas, to the association of allottees or the competent authority, as per local laws. If local laws do not provide a timeframe, the promoter must complete this handover within thirty days of obtaining the occupancy certificate.

Return of amount and compensation.

(1) If the promoter fails to complete or is unable to give possession of an apartment, plot, or building—

(a) in accordance with the terms of the agreement for sale or, as the case may be, duly completed by the date specified therein; or

(b) due to discontinuance of his business as a developer on account of suspension or revocation of the registration under this Act or for any other reason,

he shall be liable on demand to the allottees, in case the allottee wishes to withdraw from the project, without prejudice to any other remedy available, to return the amount received by him in respect of that apartment, plot, building, as the case may be, with interest at such rate as may be prescribed in this behalf including compensation in the manner as provided under this Act:

Provided that where an allottee does not intend to withdraw from the project, he shall be paid, by the promoter, interest for every month of delay, till the handing over of the possession, at such rate as may be prescribed.

(2) The promoter shall compensate the allottees in case of any loss caused to him due to defective title of the land, on which the project is being developed or has been developed, in the manner as provided under this Act, and the claim for compensation under this sub-section shall not be barred by limitation provided under any law for the time being in force.

(3) If the promoter fails to discharge any other obligations imposed on him under this Act or the rules or regulations made thereunder or in accordance with the terms and conditions of the agreement for sale, he shall be liable to pay such compensation to the allottees, in the manner as provided under this Act.

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Rights and Duties of Allottees